
All of you

Thank you for helping me and others have a great experience while at your park! Thanks for answering my questions and for giving me directions and local history. You made my trip to your park a memorable one for me and my friends!! A lifetime of great memories!!! šŸ‘šŸ˜šŸ˜ø

To All Park Rangers

Words are not enough to thank all of you for ensuring our national parks remain accessible to the world. As someone who has traveled the globe, I can say without hesitation that America's National Parks are the most spectacular in all the world... And it is your dedication to keeping these parks pristine that is the reason. Thank you so much for all you do every day!


Thank you to all the National Park Rangers and Volunteers. You are amazing! ā˜€ļøšŸ¾šŸŒˆ Joshua Tree .. you guys took the last few years like champs. JT will always be my home base. Thanks for preserving these lands.


You guys inspire me every day, your acts of courage as service members to this country, our phenomenal. My safety as a human being in the parks of our nation is well cared for in your hands.


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