
All Ambassadors

We can't thank you enough for giving your time and service to our National Parks. We know the pay isn't the greatest but know that our family appreciates everything you do every day. #Loveourparksandambassadors

Park Rangers

Thank you, our hard working rangers and other park workers. I have visited all but 14 of our national parks and have had nothing but pleasant experiences with the staff. I will keep voting for and contributing to causes that support our parks.

Bright Angel Lodge staff

Thank you doesn't begin to express our appreciation for our parks & ambassadors! With each visit, we love our parks even more and can't wait to return each year. We have made repeat visits to Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest and Saguaro National Park. Next year we hope to visit Joshua Tree for the first time. The beauty and experience are priceless! THANK YOU!

Grand Canyon Ranger

We just got back from a trip to the Grand Canyon and met an amazing park ranger on the Bright Angel Trail who was so friendly and helpful about length and how strenuous the trail was back up to the trail head. I would like to personally thank her!!

Don Stahl

He was incredibly helpful, friendly, knowledgeable. Even though this was 50 years ago, I still remember him very well. He taught me so much.

Emily D. Hewitt

Thanks for all that you do in your role as a NPS Ranger, but most of all for being an excellent volunteer coordinator! Your devoted efforts to keep park volunteers informed and appreciated does not go unnoticed. Thank you soooo much. YOU are appreciated!


ALL of you are among the very best of all of us. You represent the values, ethics, and concerns of the entire idea of the United States of America. If I were a few decades younger, I'd choose a degree in something that helps preserve and conserve the fragile and beautiful environment of our lucky nation/continent. As it is, I'm relying on YOU to continue your underpaid, overwhelming, overworked missions! Thank you.

Ranger at Great Smoky Mountains

No matter which national park we've visited, we have found the rangers informative and eager to share their knowledge. The programs are interesting, informative, and usually great fun for the kids. Thank you for all your dedication and hard work making the parks a wonderful place to be. Our most recent conversation with a ranger was in the Great Smoky Mountains NP. We asked about some hiking trails to see wild flowers. When the ranger looked at our marked up map, he pointed out that a couple of the hikes we planned to do were in areas under construction and closed.


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