

Rangers were seemed like part of my family when I was growing up. Later, at the age of 70 I sat on the ground in Yellowstone to hear a Ranger's presentation of smells that the animals might take in as they hunted for their next meals. His talk was so lively I felt like the rest of the little kids enraptured and squeeling.

Martin Lynch

Aloha and much love to the park staff on Maui. My family has visited Haleakala many times over the last 20 years and still make a point to come to both sides of the park each year. Last May we brought 3 other couples, and theyā€™re still raving about their experience.


Just SO appreciate your hard work and commitmentā€¦our Nationsal Parks are a treasure beyond compare and my family is indebted to you for keeping them clean, safe and protected!!! Godspeed!!!

Park Rangers

Iā€™m so envious of you and your choice of dedicating your time and career to our national parks! I cannot thank you enough for what you do everyday. Know that you are appreciated!


You all do very important but very under appreciated work. Thank you for all you do and helping bring joy to so many lives. And thank you for protecting everything that makes this earth special.


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