
Park Ranger

In September we visited 6 National Parks in Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. It has ignited a fire in our family to make it a goal to see as many of the Parks as possible. Every Ranger we interacted with was pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful. Our 4 kids are now Junior Rangers and excited about collecting their badges. Thank you for all you do.

Ranger giving walking tour of Manzanar NHS.

My wife and I were very impressed with the knowledge and admonishment to learn from what the US government did to the Japanese at Manzanar. She made a plea to a school group on the tour to stand up against all forms of prejudice, racism and discrimination. It was wrong then and it is wrong now. It was a moving and effective antidote to these poisonous mindsets and we especially appreciated her counsel and lessons, not to just the young, but for all ages. Plaudits to this Park Ranger. She gave the tour on Thursday Oct. 20, about 11:00 am from the Visitor Center. We will never forget it.

l and K

Keep up the great job. We're older now in our 70's and have been to most NPs. The creator gave humans these magnificent cathedrals - let's not tear them down! Instead, let's add more land to them to save our future, protect our air, and provide joy as we wander through them. Politicians need to recognize you servants and protectors.

Adam Monroe

Thanks for giving me a way to contribute to the health and success of "my" backyard park. Being a trail volunteer has been a fun way to give back and see new parts of the park. I promise more trips next season, and I look forward to doing this for many years to come. It's not easy to coordinate the numbers of volunteers that you do, but we're grateful that you do it.

Jamie Owens

Thank you for all the hard work you out into your role with the NPS. Your hard work plays a huge role in the maintenance and preservation of our ancestors home land so that many more generations can enjoy the beauty of the GSMNP.


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