North Carolina

All of them in WNC

Thank you protecting our temperate rainforest. Thank you for all your help during the hurricane and especially to the ones that were warning people about the storm coming, getting people out of those areas and helping with clean up in your communities. I saw you and appreciate it.

National Parks Staff

Thanks to everyone for your dedication to our beloved National Parks. Your dedication and love for our parks is evident in the spirit with which you care for the parks and the creatures who inhabit them. You are pretty awesome to the visitors also!!

Tracy Swartout

I love getting out in this area for its waterways, waterfalls, hiking trails and gravel road mt. biking. Thank you for your part in maintaining and managing this area. You are appreciated.

Park Ranger

Thank you so much for keeping the Tetons beautiful, clean and safe! My late husband, Brian, and I loved visiting there for many years. The park holds special memories for me, and I plan to make more there soon!

All staff

We have been enjoying the outer banks fo 50 years. Will spend the week of thanksgiving with family at Ocracoke this year. Thank you for your dedication and work with the NPS. We supremely value the natural resources of the US.


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