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Displaying 8 parks

This national park is home to ancient bristlecone pine trees, abundant wildlife, lakes and streams, and limestone caverns, including the stunning Lehman Caves.

Lake Mead

Lake Mead National Recreation Area offers huge lakes for boaters, swimmers, and fishermen while its desert rewards hikers, photographers, and sightseers.

Image of Wick House at Morristown National Park

Despite limited resources, Morristown served as quarters for the Continental Army on two occasions; the winter of 1777 and again during the Hard Winter of 1779.

New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve includes acres of farm, forest, and wetlands. Visitors enjoy canoeing and rare wildlife sightings.


Paterson Great Falls, America's first planned industrial city, offers historic mills and tours as well as stories of Alexander Hamilton.

Saint-Gaudens includes the home, studio, artwork, and garden of American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and features concerts and nature trails.

Thomas Edison National Historical Park features America's greatest inventor's home and laboratory in original condition.

Tule Springs Fossil Beds

Explore Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument, where prehistoric mammals roamed during the Ice Age. Visitors enjoy fossils and rare plant species.