

Thank You for all your hard work protecting our National Parks so well. I really appreciate it. Keep taking care of them.

Ameet Amir

Hi Ameet - An email from the National Parks Foundation gave me the opportunity to say thanks to a national park team member. So I picked you, since I don't know any other NPS team members! Hope all's well up there in Portland/Vancouver area. Take care and have fun, Janet

Rangers et al

There is nothing more healing than nature's own ... the ions from the trees assists humans to recover from depression and anxiety. Thank youi all who work in the Parks for your diligence!!!

Lee Stetson

Dear Park Ambassadors: As a former Natl. Park Ranger (Interp.), I wholeheartedly support all who love and help maintain and enhance our National Parks, esp. behind the scenes! American Treasures with a capital ā€œTā€! I donā€™t take your work for grantedā€¦ I can see it, I can feel it, and I can share it, and for that, Iā€™m truly thankful to all of you. Do you know who else is thankful? The earth, the sky, the animals, the plants, and the childrenā€¦ aka, critical infrastructure! So, keep on loving what youā€™re doing because millions of people from all around the world are reaping the benefits.


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