New Jersey

all Ambassadors and Rangers

I just returned from a trip to 4 of the Utah NPs and I was reminded of what a national treasure the National Park System is. I canā€™t thank the Rangers and Ambassadors enough for their contributions in preserving the beauty and the sanctity of these amazing places. Please accept my sincerest gratitude for all that you do in making ā€˜Americaā€™s Best Ideaā€™ so special and enduring.

Miss Ranger at Shenandoah National Park

Thank you for speaking with a younger me, years ago, on my first trip to a national park. I was inspired by you, a woman, not much older than myself, protecting a beautiful park and living a life that I could only dream of. Since that day, I have been fortunate to visit many of our national parks, breathing in their wonders, and continuing to talk with many other rangers along the way.

Larry Hilaire and Kara E. Deutsch

I work as a volunteer nest monitor as part of the New Jersey Bald Eagle Project. Larry Hilaire and Kara Deutsch have been very helpful in supporting my efforts to observe, monitor, and report on our NJ eagle families located within the boundaries of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Updating me and Eagle Project administrator/supervising zoologist Kathy Clark on the presence of two new NJ nest locations was especially helpful during the 2021 season. We are very grateful for such important and helpful information! Thanks!


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