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Displaying 24 parks

Hawaii's Pu'uhonua National Park formerly protected defeated warriors and civilians during battle. The park includes a complex of archaeological sites.

rock wall hill with blue sky

This national park in Hawaii shares the history of the early stages of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Visitors enjoy mountain trails and island birdwatching.

Cabin at Shiloh National Military Park

Shiloh National Military Park contains historic sites like the battlefield of Shiloh, the battlefield of Corinth, and a National Cemetery.

Canon at Stones River Battlefield

Stones River National Battlefield is the site of one of Lincoln's military victories for the North, which bolstered support of the Emancipation Proclamation.


Tupelo National Battlefield marks the site where Union forces marched into Tupelo and overcame Confederate troops to keep them away from Union railroads.


Vicksburg National Military Park commemorates one of the most decisive Civil War battles; the campaign, siege, and defense of Vicksburg.
