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Stonewall Inn is the first LGBTQ national monument, dedicated to the birthplace of the modern lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer civil rights movement.

Sunset Crater Volcano

Arizona's Sunset Crater Volcano reshaped the nearby landscape, and now offers hiking, scenery of flora like Ponderosa Pines, and an array of wildlife.

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve protects the once vast tallgrass prairie and its resources. Visitors enjoy hiking, fishing, and education programs.

The row house where Theodore Roosevelt was born

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, the original birthplace, remembers the president's accomplishments and legacy.


Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site is the original place President Roosevelt entered political office, and marks his legacy of regulating business and protecting nature.


Theodore Roosevelt National Park commemorates America's great leader. The landscape and life that Teddy experienced here shaped his conservation policy.

Thomas Edison National Historical Park features America's greatest inventor's home and laboratory in original condition.

Habre de Venture, Thomas Stone National Historic Site

Maryland's Thomas Stone National Historic Site commemorates Thomas Stone, one of 56 men to sign the Declaration of Independence.


Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, offers years of history and the natural beauty of salt marshes and coastal dunes.

People hiking at Tonto National Monument

The Salado Phenomena blended ideas of Native American cultures that resulted in a new vibrant society. Tonto National Monument showcases Salado-style culture.


Rhode Island's Touro Synagogue is an ornate synagogue and is among America's oldest Jewish buildings with an active congregation.

The Trail of Tears National Historic Trail ranges eight U.S. states and commemorates the survival of the Cherokee, who were forcefully removed from their land.

Guards were deployed when the Japanese Americans arrived at Tule Lake

This national monument includes both the Tule Lake Segregation Center, the largest and most controversial of the sites where Japanese Americans were incarcerated during World War II, and Camp Tulel

Tule Springs Fossil Beds

Explore Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument, where prehistoric mammals roamed during the Ice Age. Visitors enjoy fossils and rare plant species.


Tumacácori sits at a cultural crossroads in the Santa Cruz River valley, and is where O'odham, Yaqui, and Apache people mixed with Europeans.


Tupelo National Battlefield marks the site where Union forces marched into Tupelo and overcame Confederate troops to keep them away from Union railroads.


Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, founded by Booker T. Washington, recruited the brightest teachers whose innovations made history.

Tuzigoot National Monument

Tuzigoot National Monument in the Verde Valley, is an ancient village, or pueblo, built by the Sinagua people, who were farmers and artists.
